The humor of the Providence-Boston joke has been lost to history& but the word OK took off from there, soon connoting agreement, acceptance, mediocrity, endorsement, quality or likability. 这个关于普罗维登斯和波士顿的笑话已经是过去的历史了,但是OK这个词从此风靡,很快就包含了同意、接受、普通、支持、棒极了和可爱的意思。
Neither the fact that we do not expressly object to an agreement nor our acceptance or payment of goods or services shall be construed as an acknowledgement. 我们未明示拒绝,或对货物或服务接受或付款,均不构成对该等条款、条件和协议的确认。
Agreement by the management is a sine qua non of all employment contract. A conditional acceptance is not an effective acceptance unless the offeror agrees to the condition. 管理部门的同意就是所有雇用合同的必要条件。有条件的承诺是无效的承诺,除非要约人对所附条件同意。
Likewise, the license agreement dialog box is normally placed in the start node, since acceptance of the agreement is necessary to continue an installation. 同样,“许可协议”对话框通常放在“启动”节点中,因为用户必须接受协议才能继续安装。
This Agreement shall take effect upon the first funding of Client's account, provided that DFTT has sent Client written confirmation for his acceptance. 本协议自DFTT公司以书面形式确认客户的第一次入金到交易帐户起生效。
Futures: An agreement to take or make delivery of a specific commodity or instrument on a particular date. The date of acceptance of this plant will be April sixth, nineteen eighty-four. 期货:规定在一定日期接收或交割某商品或金融票据的合同。这座工厂的交工验收期将在一九八四年四月六日。
A promise or agreement is reached as a result of the process of offer and acceptance. 许诺或协议是通过发盘和接受的过程来完成的。
For purposes of the agreement generated as a result of the acceptance of this proposal, the prices must be specified with the Incoterm, which must be approved by THE DISTRIBUTOR. 为宗旨的协议所产生的,由于接受这一建议,价格必须在指定的与贸易术语,它必须通过分销商。
If the terms set forth herein conform with your understanding of our verbal agreement, please indicate your acceptance by signing in the space provided for your signature in the enclosed agreement contract. 如果你方认为这里的条款与你方对我们口头协议的理解一致,请在所附协议合同的相应位置签字,表示认同。
A binding agreement is created upon acceptance by the student of the offer of a place at the school and the payment of the course tuition. 学生接受本校所给位置,即达成有约束力的协议,并需缴付学费。
The representatives agree that the WTO Agreement shall be open for acceptance as a whole, by signature or otherwise, by all participants pursuant to Article XIV thereof. 代表们同意,《WTO协定》应根据该协定第14条开放供所有参加方以签字或其他方式作为一个整体予以接受。
An acceptance following the entry into force of this Agreement shall enter into force on the 30th day following the date of such acceptance. 本协定生效之后的接受应在此接受之日后的第30天生效。
Nodding the head means agreement, while shaking it means disagreement. A statement made by or other conduct of the offeree indicating assent to an offer is an acceptance. 点点头表示同意,而摇头表示不同意。受盘人声明或做出其它行为表示同意一项发盘,即是接受。
But make an excuse should request instructions if the leader, leading agreement without end now and then, the acceptance entrusts money and collects; 推托不了时应请示领导,如领导同意,可接受委托并收钱;
Law of contract agreement acceptance 合同法第二章协议三、承诺
Grammar factor refers to the agreement between the Chinese lexicon and syntax, which accounts for the acceptance of some free phrases and abbreviations as words. 语法因素表现为汉语词法与句法的一致性,这使短语和略语转化为词。
Chapter One begins with WTO's Service and Trade Agreement and introduces the open policy of the securities industry after China's entry of WTO, including principle acceptance, practical acceptance and time acceptance. 本文首先从世贸组织《服务贸易总协定》入手,介绍了加入WTO后我国证券业的开放政策,包括原则承诺、具体承诺和时间承诺。
There is general academic agreement that the existence of the sensitivity and acceptance of the two main explanations based on the "agency theory" and "financing constraints". 目前学术界普遍认为存在着投资对自由现金流的敏感性且认同代理理论和融资约束这两种主流解释。
Divorce agreement outside the legislation has proved this point in the acceptance of divorce by agreement of the countries, without exception, the provisions of the restrictive conditions, but these restrictive conditions did not affect the realization of freedom of divorce, or provoke social ostracism. 境外有关协议离婚的立法也证明了这一点,在接受协议离婚的国家中,无一例外地规定了限制性条件,但这些限制性条件并未影响离婚自由的实现,或招来社会责难。